The Peace Trail

Peace trail

Peace trail wants to become a global trail, connecting people and their dreams of a better world. People are often not quite sure what this better world would look like but we have some abstract idea about what it means to be happy.  It comes naturally that we like to walk, run, move our bodies and our minds along.  We would like to combine both, our urge to move and our desire to learn and exchange with others about how we might like the world to be. We may decide to walk for a certain cause, raise awareness and/or help that cause, learn about others and let others know us.  In our lives, we all met many good people. Let us all connect and organize, each of us in our own way, trails of peace and justice.  Let each step be a meditation for what we all commonly want and equally deserve.

Our first action started with the Justice for Palestine Walk, in October 2017.  We created an itinerary, called Itinerary no.1: from Amman to Jerusalem, or from Rainbow street (in Amman) to via Dolorosa (in Jerusalem).  It was a walk of 5 days, and you will find its itinerary and information about it below. You can use it as a guide, together with a map. You are all invited to walk it, but also to create other, new itineraries and send them to us so we can gather all  of them. Together with a few photos and some text to post as well, please. 

Justice for Palestine Walk

justice for palestine walk ITINERARY 1.docx

V duhu časa in predvsem ob več žalostnih spominih se je rodila ideja o hoji za pravično Palestino. Lansko leto smo namreč obeležili 70. obletnico načrta za delitev Palestine, ki je privedel do Nakbe, izgona 750 000 Palestincev iz domovine leta 1948, 50. obletnico okupacije Palestine po šest dnevni vojni leta 1967 in 100. obletnico Balfourove deklaracije, ki je postavila temelje za nastanek Izraela. Oktobra 2017 smo zato v solidarnosti s Palestinci in Palestinkami ter kot protest proti izraelskemu apartheidu in okupaciji prehodili pot od Amana (Jordanija) do Jeruzalema, ter s tem simbolno povezali prostora na vzhodnem in zahodnem bregu reke Jordan, kjer živijo Palestinci, bodisi zaprti v lastni okupirani domovini ali pa v "trajnem" begunstvu na drugi strani.

Itinerarij je tu zgoraj, uporabite ga, komentirajte, popravite in se oglasite, ko se vrnete. Vabljeni tudi k drugim potem, za Palestino lahko hodimo kjerkoli!

POT - Slovenia

This trail will choose to connect places of importance from the natural and cultural heritage and mostly responsible lifestyle point of view. It will show practices by which people cherish the land, the resources and through which they live in a sustainable manner. We will meet good examples of how the world should strive to be should we want to have Our common future.


Where are the borders of our freedom, physically or geographically but also mentally? Borders closed for “outsiders” inevitably become cages for “insiders. In Europe, the notion of freedom remains an illusion , its borders dwell in our minds and cannot be not set by fences. The fundamental rights of people are universal and the challenge of modern times is to see whether we can live up to the standards we had set for ourselves.
“Različni ljudje iz različnih razlogov mislijo hojo kot radikalno dejanje. Kot obliko protesta, kot orodje sprememb, kot način lastnega preživetja. Hoja ne pristaja na meje, ne priznava lastnine ozemlja. Hoja ne pristaja na lastnike ozemlja, ki delijo krajino na delčke. Hoja, se osredotoča na pot, ki deluje kot mrežni sistem krajine. Hoditi je nasprotje od imeti.« (iz performansa hodi.ti -, )

Our goal is to walk past, across and along borders. Camminare è cambiare, il mondo esterno e quello interiore. Il Cammino come azione civile ha un significato, camminiamo per imparare dagli altri e farci conoscere loro.

Justice for Palestine Walk