our workwalking as a way to raise awareness

MEDITERRANEAN MIGRATION TRAIL – PO POTEH MEDITERANSKIH MIGRACIJ – hoja v soboto, 6.10. , od Gorice do Sončnega loga, ob 10h

PEACE TRAIL/MEDITERRANEAN MIGRATION TRAIL – Hoja v soboto, 6.10. , od Gorice do Sončnega loga, ob 10h

Where are the borders of our freedom, physically or geographically but also mentally? Borders closed for “outsiders” inevitably become cages for “insiders. In Europe, the notion of freedom remains an illusion , its borders dwell in our minds and cannot be not set by fences. The fundamental rights of people are universal and the challenge of modern times is to see whether we can live up to the standards we had set for ourselves.
Inspired by the movements ( http://www.maydan-association.org/en/, http://www.sabirfest.it/ , http://civilaction.net/ , http://proja.org/ ) and organizations and our common thought – our walk is a form of protest. “Različni ljudje iz različnih razlogov mislijo hojo kot radikalno dejanje. Kot obliko protesta, kot orodje sprememb, kot način lastnega preživetja. Hoja ne pristaja na meje, ne priznava lastnine ozemlja. Hoja ne pristaja na lastnike ozemlja, ki delijo krajino na delčke. Hoja, se osredotoča na pot, ki deluje kot mrežni sistem krajine. Hoditi je nasprotje od imeti.« (iz performansa hodi.ti – http://www.cityofwomen.org/sl/content/2017/projekt/hoditi, )

Our goal is to walk past, across and along borders. Camminare è cambiare, il mondo esterno e quello interiore. Il Cammino come azione civile ha un significato, camminiamo per imparare dagli altri e farci conoscere loro.
Next Saturday, we will mark a small part of a long Mediterranean migration trail. We meet on Saturday, 6 October at 10am at Piazzale della Transalpina in Gorizia/Železniška postaja Nova Gorica, right on the border line between the states of Italy and Slovenia. We will follow the track below, walk in Italy, cross borders, walk in Slovenia, stop at points of interest and arrive to Sončni log/Hudi log 11 around 2pm. We will have done 15km, mostly flat, and one relatively steep part. You can walk with us any part of this, just call 0038640528859, to find where we are.


We will have a free afternoon with cooking, dancing and talking about the potentials of such a trail and future action.
Free transportation back to Nova Gorica/Gorizia is organized. Benvenuti! Dobrodošli! Welcome!

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